
This page gives you a good introduction to aiothrift. It assumes you already have aiothrift installed.

A Minimal Application

At first you should have a thrift file which defines at least one service. Go to create a thrift file named pingpong.thrift:

service PingPong {
    string ping(),
    i32 add(1:i32 a, 2:i32 b),

Now you can fire an asyncio thrift server easily:

import asyncio
import aiothrift

pingpong_thrift = aiothrift.load('pingpong.thrift', module_name='pingpong_thrift')

class Dispatcher:
    def ping(self):
        return "pong"

    async def add(self, a, b):
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        return a + b

async def main():
  server = await aiothrift.create_server(pingpong_thrift.PingPong, Dispatcher()))
  async with server:
      await server.serve_forever()


let’s have a look at what the code above does.

1. First we parse a thrift file to a valid python module, thanks for the great job done by thriftpy2, we don’t have to generate thrift python sdk files manually.

2. We create a Dispatcher class as the namespace for all thrift rpc functions. Here we define a ping method which corresponds to the ping function defined in pingpong.thrift. You may notice that the add method is actually a coroutine but a normal one. if you define the rpc function as a coroutine, it would scheduled by our thrift server and send the result back to client after the coroutine task is completed.

3. We then create the server by using create_server() function, and it returns a coroutine instance which can be scheduled by the event loop later.

  1. Lastly we call asyncio.run(main()) to run the event loop to schedule the server task.

Just save it as server.py and then you can start the thrift server:

$ python3 server.py

It will listening at localhost:6000 by default.

Now you’d like to visit the thrift server through a thrift client:

   import asyncio
   import aiothrift

   pingpong_thrift = aiothrift.load('pingpong.thrift', module_name='pingpong_thrift')

   async def go():
       client = await aiothrift.create_pool(pingpong_thrift.PingPong)
       print(await client.ping())
       print(await client.add(5, 6))
       await client.wait_closed()


Save it as :file:`client.py`, and run the client by::

   $ python client.py
    * pong

That’s all you need to make a minimal thrift application on both the server and client side, I hope you will enjoy it.