
This page gives you a good introduction to aiothrift. It assumes you already have aiothrift installed.

A Minimal Application

At first you should have a thrift file which defines at least one service. Go to create a thrift file named pingpong.thrift:

service PingPong {
    string ping(),
    i32 add(1:i32 a, 2:i32 b),

Now you can fire an asyncio thrift server easily:

import asyncio
import thriftpy
from aiothrift import create_server

class Dispatcher:
    def ping(self):
        return "pong"

    async def add(self, a, b):
        await asyncio.sleep(2)
        return a + b

pingpong_thrift = thriftpy.load('pingpong.thrift', module_name='pingpong_thrift')
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
server = loop.run_until_complete(create_server(pingpong_thrift.PingPong, Dispatcher(), loop=loop))

let’s have a look at what the code above does.

1. Frist we import the thriftpy module, which is used to parse a thrift file to a valid python module, thanks for the great job done by thriftpy, we don’t have to generate thrift python sdk files manually.

2. We create a Dispatcher class as the namespace for all thrift rpc functions. Here we define a ping method which corresponds to the ping function defined in pingpong.thrift. You may notice that the add method is actually a coroutine but a normal one. if you define the rpc function as a coroutine, it would scheduled by our thrift server and send the result back to client after the coroutine task is completed.

3. We then create the server by using create_server() function, and it returns a coroutine instance which can be scheduled by the event loop later.

  1. Lastly we call loop.run_forever() to run the event loop to schedule the server task.

Just save it as server.py and then you can start the thrift server:

$ python3 server.py

It will listening at localhost:6000 by default.

Now you’d like to visit the thrift server through a thrift client:

import asyncio
import thriftpy
from aiothrift import create_connection

pingpong_thrift = thriftpy.load('pingpong.thrift', module_name='pingpong_thrift')

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

async def create_client():
    conn = await create_connection(pingpong_thrift.PingPong, loop=loop, timeout=10)
    print(await conn.ping())


Look that create_client is the client task coroutine, this task would create a connection to the server we’ve created earlier, and make ping rpc call, print its result and close the connection.

Save it as client.py, and run the client by:

$ python client.py
 * pong

That’s all you need to make a minimal thrift application on both the server and client side, I hope you will enjoy it.